Friday, October 29, 2010

Noah's First Halloween!

Yesterday was Noah's very first trick or treat! Although all we did was sit and hand out the treats we got! Which was "scarrots" little bags of baby carrots, and pretzels. My friend whos house we went to, since we don't get any trick or treaters handed out juice boxes as usual! It was fun! We had a good time! Noah stayed in his costume the whole time, didn't fuss or anything! I can't wait until next year to take him trick or treating for the first time!!!

Noah the Monkey, and Lexi is Minnie Mouse!

Andrea's other 2 daughters Marissa and Natalie were with their Dad for trick or treat.

Today was Noah's daycares Halloween Parade! It was really crazy, but cute! I wouldn't have missed it for the world! It really was just like organized khaos but what can you expect??

Emily is the dalmation, Rachel is Dumbo, Carter is the chicken, Noah is on the left as a monkey, and then Emerson on the right as a monkey! We are missing Zeke who is a pumpkin. That picture with him won't upload to blogger :( That's all the kids in Noah's classroom! I think it's funny that Emerson and Noah are the biggest babies in their room by height and weight, they have A LOT of the same outfits and they both were monkeys for Halloween! Their 1st Halloween at that! Love it!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

8 months already

So has it really been 8 months since I became a Mommy to the most precious little boy in the world?? I can't believe it! I was thinking on Sunday which was his official 8 month Birthday, how it seems like yesterday I was still on maternity leave being the worried, nervous new Mom. I just can't believe it! He's getting so big! He has 7 teeth so far, is crawling and pulling himself up on EVERYTHING! He amazes me more everyday! When I get to daycare to pick him up and he sees me he gets all excited and smiles! It's so cute, and makes any bad day 100% better in a second!

I just love this little guy more then anything in the whole world!

So it's been 3 weeks this week since I sent the letters to Jeff's family to let them know about Noah. I haven't heard anything back yet. I guess all things take time. I found out that his Mom posted on his FB page that the official Coroners report came back and Jeff had a enlarged heart and a 90% blockage in one of his arteries. The enlarged heart is hereditary, but it's also something that can be brought on my some other things. So I am going to get Noah checked for that early, and hopefully he will be ok. Once I found out that his family was not aware of Noah I knew this whole thing was going to end up a big mess. I'm just trying to do the right thing by telling them they do have another Grandchild. The ball is in their court now, whatever they choose, I tried.

Other then that everything is great!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

October already????

I can't believe it's already October! Time flies! So Noah is now officially crawling! He started a few weeks ago, and at the same time started pulling himself up! He's getting so big so fast! He always pulls himself up and sometimes walks along the couch or me if I'm laying on the floor. My sister and Danielle bought him a Fisher Price Lion toy that you can ride on or push and walk behind. He LOVES it! He was taking a few steps while pushing it, I think he'll probably walk before he's one!

Today we went to the Fall Fest at Stauffers, we had fun! Next year it will be a lot of fun with Noah! Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year! We made a scarecrow, painted a pumpkin, and made him sit among the pumpkins for a picture! :) We had a really good day!

Tonight he is spending the night with Aunt Chrissy and Aunt Danielle because I have to work 8 hours tomorrow. But the upside is I'm off Monday since the daycare is closed so Noah and I will be spending the entire day together and I can't wait! I just love that little guy more then life itself!

I sent the letters to Jeff's parent's Thursday, they should have gotten them yesterday. I haven't heard anything yet, not sure how long it will take for either of them to contact me. I just hope they accept Noah, that was my biggest fear about even telling them. I don't want anything from them, I just want them to know they have another Grandchild that Jeff is living on in, and I want Noah to know them. We'll see what happens. I understand if I don't hear from them for a while. I sent pictures of Noah with the letter. One when he was first born and a recent one. I didn't mention in the letter that he looks just like Jeff did when he was little, but I'm sure they know already that he does. My nerves are shot, and I am so stressed out from thinking about it so much. All I know is no matter what happens, Noah will always have love and support for the rest of his life, not to mention anything he needs or wants.

I <3 you Noah Edward!