Friday, September 16, 2011

Just some rambles, and updates!!

 My little guy is turning into a little boy right in front of my eyes and I can't hardly believe it!  He is talking so much just even in the past week!!  He's so cute!  There are things he trys to say but can't quite get it out yet!  He makes the BEST face when you ask him to say Zinn!  lol He can't get that one yet!! He has been saying his name for about a month though, it sounds like No-ahhh! He will gladly point out his picture to!!  He's so handsome!  I love him with all my heart!  He still has a temper, he gets mad easily, as well as throws temper tantrums.  ignoring is VERY hard to do.   He goes to the pediatrician on the 23rd for his 18 month check up, ironically a day before he turns 19 months old!  I am going to have to have a talk with her about this temper.  I'm sure some of it is maybe a phase, but I'm sure that me running and grabbing him up the minute he started crying when he was a baby has something to do with it also!  I just don't want to have that bratty kid that nobody ever wants to be around, although I don't understand how anyone could not want to be around this handsome guy! ;)
Him and his Pop were eating watermelon one night, and Pop got him to say sticky! it's so cute and he even makes a face when he says it! He also says stinky cause of the diesel tractors Pop has, and imitates the clicking of the lights! He's cute, and oh so smart! He has a first words picture book. I think there is like 100 pictures in it, and he can pick out just about everything in that book! He is simply amazing, and totally perfect in my eyes! I could even imagine my life without him! He's such a HUGE part of my life! I still miss him every single day when I go to work! I look at his pictures all day and can't stop thinking about him and just wait for that clock to strike 4 to leave to go get him!!

Things haven't change with his Paternal Grandparents. They still haven't contacted me at all. It's so frustrating because I just honestly don't understand how people can be like that! I'm sorry but if rolls were reversed and I were them, I'd want to know both of my Grandchildren from my son who is no longer on this earth. But to each their own. Like I said a million times, they have to live with the guilt, if they have a heart not me!

Noah got to see his half sister and play at the playground with her on Tuesday this week! That was nice! I would love for them to grow up knowing each other, and then of course once they are older if they don't want to get together and talk and stuff that's ok. But while they are almost 2 and almost 3 myself and Bridget have control over them! I hope for them to be able to get together more and play!

Jayana talks so well, it kinda amazes me to think that next year at this time Noah will be talking that clear and well! I wish them the very best! They are all each other have of their Daddy and I hope they embrace that.

Well I think I have caught up on everything! We are leaving for camp in the morning so I will have another update Sunday or Monday when we get home!!!

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