Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Decorations!

Friday evening we got all of our Christmas decorations out and decided to put the tree up after he went to sleep!  Last year we put it up while he was taking a nap, he woke up and was so happy!  This year, he woke up and was so excited!  I should have video tapped it, because he was making all kinds of noises and gasping!  He's so adorable!  He was so excited about the train under the tree, he seen is and started pointing and saying in the most excited voice "Thomas, Thomas!"  No honey that's not Thomas, it's just a plain old Choo Choo train!  He's awesome!
Our nice anorexic tree!  Thank God this the the last year for it!

If this isn't perfect I don't know what is!

Poppy even decorated outside this year!

So after Noah was so excited, and happy about the tree and actually seemed to be listening.  This evening was another story!  He's just pushing his limits, and it's something new to him.  I'm sure that he doesn't remember that he seen it last year at 10 months old!  All I can say, is it will be a long 3 weeks or so!!

This afternoon we went to Sienna's first birthday party!  Sienna's Mommy works at Noah's daycare, in the infant room.  Sienna was a guest at Noah's first birthday party so I was glad we got invited to hers!  I hope you had a wonderful day Sienna and Mommy Amanda!!  Noah's other friend at daycare had a birthday today as well Kaelyn, I hope you also had a wonderful day!! 

Tomorrow our plans are to decorate Noah's tree in his room, and put some other decorations up.  Then we have his cousin Antonio's 2nd Birthday party!  I cannot believe he's going to be 2 on Monday!  WOW, time flies!  I can't believe Noah will be 2 in February!  It kinda makes me sad! 

I miss him being the cute little baby that was just awesome to hold, the baby that you could cuddle him and spoil him but also put him down to get stuff done!  At the same time, I really like this stage!  He's talking so good, and putting sentences together, he's amazing! 

He really bring the whole magic of Christmas back to life for me!  I know that Christmas isn't about giving or getting gifts.  I'm sure that everyone enjoys that part of Christmas, but honestly having a Child adds that magic, and excitement to Christmas that I remember from when I was a kid!  I'm so happy, and enjoy this time of the year with him!  This is only his second Christmas, but I must say that this boy is a little more then spoiled anyway! 

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