Sunday, July 15, 2012

Potty Training

Noah was sent home sick Friday morning from daycare with a 102.7 fever.  He wasn't himself, slept most all of the afternoon, told me he didn't want to eat, wouldn't take medicine.  He had me worried.  I managed to put a dose of medicine in water in his cup and he drank it down before he fell asleep, which only brought his temp down 1 degree...101.7 then.  He wouldn't take medicine so my Mom went on a hunt to find suppositories that are fever reducers.  Apparently they are miracles....he got one, ate so much dinner, acting himself again fever has left and *knock on wood* hasn't been back!  Strange I know, no other symptoms along with the fever, so that's good. 

Since Noah's all better, we are doing Potty Training this weekend!  He's doing GREAT!  He woke up at 6am, and since 7:30 when I took diaper off and put on big boy underwear he has only had 2 accidents!  To make things even better he not only has been peeing on the potty but he also pooped on the potty to, not his little potty but the big potty!!!  I'm SOOOO proud of him!!  He's napping now, and from what I read I wasn't suppose to put a pull up or diaper on him for nap or bedtime, but I had to.  I put a pull up on him for nap, but I left his underwear on him and put the pull up over it. He peed before he went to bed and hasn't had a drink so maybe he'll stay dry *fingers crossed*.  Once he wakes back up we will be right back on the potty training wagon, hoping it sticks and he gets that click today.
Nap time he peed, of course cause the boy could pee a river even when he doesn't drink! Then he also peed once he was awake on the potty and got a fresh pair of underwear on! Then we went to my sisters, for Kailyn to meet Parker, which he wore a pull up OVER his underwear and went potty about 3 times there, or at least tried. Then we left there and went to Wal-Mart and he went potty there twice but didn't actually go and came home DRY!!!  That's my boy!  We got him Goodnights pull up things to wear to bed so we'll see how they hold up compared to Overnight diapers tonight!

SUNDAY JULY 15, 2012

Well last night he went to bed at like 11, and had a very bad night.  He was up by 1:45-3:30am, crying, flailing himself all around his bed, wanting his Poppy, wanting his Grammy, wanting Mommy, wanting Spiderman cover, wanting a cup, wanting Mommy's bed.  He was a HOT mess!  I honestly think he has some sort of night terrors, because he used to do this when he was younger to.  Thankfully by 3:30am he was fast asleep and I was snug back in my bed!
Needless to say, and thank God that he slept in till 8:15am!  Those Goodnight pull up type underwear are awesome, he was wet of course in the morning but not peed out.  So we got up, went potty and picked out underwear for the day!  He only has had one accident all day today, and that was a poop accident and I even kinda hate to call that a accident because most kids don't like to poop in the potty and that's the hardest thing to break.  But either way I guess it's a accident, and since it was the ONLY one today I couldn't be happier!
Today we didn't go to Church because of the night we had last night, I know it is NO excuse but I was not feeling like getting all ready to go be presentable around strangers lol.  So we opted to stay home.  We ended up going to the movies this afternoon, to see Ice Age Continental Drift.  Kailyn was here for the weekend, and she LOVED those movies growing up, she's 11 now, and since Noah has been doing so great on the potty it was kinda a reward for him as well!  It was his first theater movie,
This is how Noah starts a movie!

This is how Noah ends a movie!

Snoozing with Grammy!
We went pee before the movie started, and he went, we went after it was over because he woke up right after this and he went.  So he went home DRY again! 
Then we went up to my Aunt Joann's to give Antonio a pair of sneakers we had gotten him last night when we were out.  Well he was in his pool swimming, so I pretty much knew that Noah was going to end up in the pool!  He did!  He loved it!
he sits on the edge......

and falls back.....

he LOVES it!  he loves the water!
he went potty there once, and went home DRY!  Love it!  He's doing great!  I couldn't be happier!

I packed like 4 or 5 outfits and the same underwear to send to school tomorrow in case of a accident.  I really think since he's doing so well at home, that he shouldn't have that many at school to be honest.  I was taking him to the potty yesterday every 15 minutes because that's the "direction" I was given from the blog I read, but today I just been taking him like 1/2 hr to hr somewhere in there.  Really in some cases probably longer than that.  He of course isn't to the point to say "Mommy I have to Pee" so I can't rely on that, but that will come with time right now it's new and he just needs constant reminding.
I also was told in the blog I got this idea from to not use pull ups since they pull moisture away, go straight to big boy underwear so that's what I did!  Noah go so many from his Aunties for Christmas thank God they still fit.  That blog also said not to use a diaper or pull up for nap or bedtime to use underwear and prepare for a mess so plastic covers etc.  Well, I'm sorry I know Noah and even if he doesn't have a drink 2 hrs before bed he's still going to manage to pee some how I don't know where it comes from so I am cheating in that dept!  He has worn his underwear with a pull up over top for a nap Saturday, just so if he did pee (which he did) he would know the wet feeling.  For bed he's using the Goodnights underwear, they are like big kid pull ups for overnight.  These ones have Spiderman on them so he thinks they are extra special bedtime underwear! I know that when he's sleeping, that I can't yet expect him to be able to control that, now once he's dry for a while, then yes he'll go to bed in underwear but until then I want to keep my sanity!  It's not doing any harm, heck I'm putting a pull up over top of his underwear when we went away to, JUST because I don't want a mess in the car seat, and I mean if it's going to happen (a accident) then it's going to happen, so I'm going to try to protect what I can the best I can!  At home, if he has a accident then so be it, but at home he's just wearing a shirt and his underwear so that's not more that underwear to wash if you catch my drift!

I think we are getting somewhere!  I was SO bummed when I got a phone call to go pick him up Friday cause he had a fever.  I said I guess no potty training this weekend!  Well guess what, for whatever reason the fever only last one day, came with nothing else and he was fine by Friday night so potty training was started!  I'm so happy and so proud of my big little man!!

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