Monday, August 27, 2012

Potty Training update #3

It's official!  My big boy started a new class today at daycare, Beginner Preschool, and also pooped on the potty not once but TWICE tonight!!!

I couldn't be more happy!  I am hoping that he keeps it up!  I believe he will though, he was so happy, and I think he realized that it isn't so bad!  Plus it probably helped that he got some money, $4 that Uncle Frank had given him for when he pooped on the potty, Grammy gave him $4 and Poppy gave him $5, Mommy gave him $1 that's all that I had on my dresser in my room!  But hey he's getting a dang $40 talking Woody Friday as long as he keeps it up, and Grammy is getting him his Spiderman cover, and his Auntie's are getting him a big Firetruck that he said he wanted!  So the boy is set!

My Dad said "man I don't get anything for pooping on the potty, and I do it everyday!" lol Ain't that the truth!

Considering I have been waiting for this day since the day Potty Training began, I am relieved.  I think this is cause for celebration!  Noah started Potty Training  the weekend of July 14 so it's been PLENTY of time, and trust me PLENTY of poopy underwear cleaned.

2 1/2 on Friday, started Beginner Preschool today, Pooped on the potty today.  Life is Grand!


  1. Try the towel potty training method. It works.

  2. Hi im single im27 years old I live in new jersey .! Do you need a daddy/ dad/ father for your son.? I would love to meet you and your son. !

  3. My email is

  4. How is your son doing with potty training?

  5. Can I help you potty train your son.?

  6. Does his tummy get hard at all.?
