Sunday, February 24, 2013

Noah's 3rd Birthday!

Well today is the day, the day my baby turns 3!  I cannot believe it, sometimes it seems like only yesterday he came home from the hospital!  He is a real blessing, I couldn't ask for anything better than to have  fhad the chance to be his Mother! 
He is one strong willed little boy!  He loves cars, jeeps, trucks, tractors well anything that has wheels!  He is ALL boy! He's fully potty trained, so smart...too smart for his own good! He's sensitive, yet a rough neck!  He no longer is into watching Sprout, I guess he "out grew" that, he loves Nick Jr and Disney! His favorite shows are: Umizoomi, Mike the Knight, Dino Dan, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Doc McStuffins (that's his sensitive side coming out!), The Fresh Beat Band, Max and Ruby (which I dislike!), Bubble Guppies, and believe it or not.....Sofia the first!  My boy is a sensitive yet rough neck kinda guy!  He has this HUGE shoe fetish, EVERYWHERE we go he wants a pair of shoes, as a matter of fact we were shopping today and what did he CRY through Osh Kosh for?  Shoes!  For now I'm good, I can get away with Kmart Wal Mart or Target sneakers....when he's a teenager if this fetish continues I'll be saving money....LOTS of money so he can get sneakers! 

I had done the same thing as last year by adding steamers and balloons to his doorway, but I added a bunch of balloons in the hallway, and then 3 other Happy Birthday balloons with quarters, 75 cents to be exact each as weights!  I put his Spider man blanket and little man in the hall and his gifts and card at the end of the hall!  It makes him so happy he loves it!  It's special day for my special little man, I want to keep birthdays special days for him, cause really they are!

He got his LeapPad2, accessories set, and Peter Pan movie!  He loved it!  Actually first he said to me "a tablet, I didn't want a tablet!"  He has messed around with it a little and I think once he gets the hang of stuff he will really like it!  I was going to get him the Nabi tablet, and a part of me feels like I should have.....This is good for him now, once he's a bit older maybe he will get the Nabi, and he can hand down the LeapPad to Parker if he doesn't have one already!
We went to Bob Evans for our normal Noah's Birthday morning breakfast!  Grammy came, Aunt Chrissy, Aunt Danielle, Parker, Madison, and Kailyn all were there! 

my handsome Nephew Parker!
Then we went to the Outlets shopping, just what a boy wants to do right?  Well Noah doesn't mind!  He ended up with new sneakers, a new Cars jacket, Maters, plus a Starbucks kids hot chocolate!
Oh yeah and a ride on the Bob the Builder ride, and the Disney store gave him a crown!

After a few hours of shopping, and walking the whole outlet mall, we went home.  We had a even bigger surprise for Noah at home!! 

Best Birthday present ever for a boy who loves this stuff!

He's so happy!
Friday at work my Dad text me and said hey I found a good 4wheeler for $800, do you wanna pay half?  Sure, cause it's something I knew he would LOVE!  I wasn't really thinking at the time that it was going to be the real start to mini heart attacks while he's riding it!  He does good steering and stuff, just sometimes he goes to fast, and doesn't pay attention to where he's going!  Thankfully there is a pull string if he gets too fast you pull it and it shuts it off.  That however is short so he attached the retractable dog leash to it after the first round of being out riding!  He definitely is a little man, and the scary thing is that he has NO fear!  But I think he will be alright, we are getting him a helmet, for anyone reading this thinking WTF!  He just didn't have one for right away.  My Dad found this Friday, Saturday morning he got up and left early to go pick it up and got back just in time for Noah's party!  Noah didn't know about it, he was surprised and when we pulled in the driveway he said "My 4 iller, my 4 iller!"  I guess he knew it had to be for him cause it was so small!

Noah had a great Birthday, and I had a great day spending it with him and my family!  I love my boy more than words could ever express!  He brings me so much joy, a lot of frustration lately....but more joy and laughs than not!  I wouldn't trade him for the world, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for choosing me to be his Mother!  It all wouldn't have been possible without Noah's Daddy either, I thank him to!  I wish he were here to see what a big boy our son has become, he's so smart!  I know he's watching over him all day everyday, but if he were here he could get to experience the joys we all do from him!

It was a long day, but as I said a great one!  I even got to make mini cupcakes for daycare tomorrow!  Yay!


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