Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My baby turned 4?!?!?!

So yeah I am not at all sure where exactly four years went, but it was official at 12:30AM February 24th that Noah did in fact turn 4 years old! He is one smart, silly, handsome, quick witted, energetic (to say the least), his favorite things now are switch & go dinos, Minions, Sheriff Callie on Disney, Octonats (again!) and finally his most favorite...mine and my Mom's Kindles! Yes he has more games on them then we do put together! That's exactly why I just ordered the newest version of the Kindle off QVC, so he will be one happy boy to have his own!

Every year I say it, "where did the time go?" and every year I definitely mean it! I really feel like the years are just flying right on by! He is totally all boy, and I cannot wait until the weather gets a little warmer and no more snow so we can do more outside! He LOVES it outside, and I love the fact he loves it outside! He's so active which is wonderful. He loves to ride his 4wheeler to, so he'll get to ride that a little more when it's warmer out.

I have this yearly tradition of taking him to breakfast on his Birthday at Bob Evans. This started on his first Birthday and I have done it every year since. My sister and Danielle usually join us as well, this year only my sister could. Danielle was stuck at work.

Our Great Birthday Adventure:

 Stop 1: Breakfast at Bob Evans with Mommy, Aunt Chrissy, and Parker.

Stop 2: Build a Bear Workshop!

this was his first time there, and he was so shy!

I should have gotten a picture of that white board but she put his name on there for his birthday!

Parker made a Doggie to!

Stop 3: Turkey Hill Experience

he wanted to do this, after he said "eww gross" ha ha

Parker and his Mama


Having his free Chocolate Ice Cream!

yeah I know, oh my what germs these boys got from the ball pit......

........might explain why Noah had 103.7 fever Monday night......

whee....Aunt Brina can catch a nephew and take a picture!

Stop 4: Was going to be: Let's Pretend, then Chocolate World, but finally Noah said " Chrissy I want to go to your house to play with Parker and his toys."  So we went there they played, ate lunch and watched some Netflix.

The final stop on the Great Birthday Adventure, was home for a little party!

Opening his Monster Trucks from Grammy and Poppy

Now, the Spiderman gift he was dying to open since dinner!

Aunt Chrissy made his turn is circles and everything before he could open it!

He's in heaven!

I got him 3 moves, a booster seat, some clothes.  Not to mention a lot more that I keep saying is part of his Birthday present....ha ha

His Pug he cleverly named after our Pug "Frankie"  YES it had to have a dog bed and brush!

Grammy left him (helped him) cut his first piece of cake!

Mr. Parker was giving his hair a treatment with chocolate cake and icing after he painted his arm!

Noah had a good day, actually he told me he had a awesome day!  My sister and I were not at all impressed with the Turkey Hill Experience.  We both thought there was more to do there, literally what pictures I have was pretty much all there was besides making your own commercial and ice cream flavor which costs more.  There was a little bit more to walk through and see, very little bit but nothing major.  The kids liked the ball pit and the slide!  The plus side is you can have all the ice cream and drinks you want while your there, who would go crazy with ice cream when there isn't like that much to do, especially with little ones I have no idea but whatever!  We did get a scoop of ice cream and I got a cup of Lemonade because it was so dry in there.  But I never ever have to go back there again!  My Mom said if you and your sister were bored then the kids had fun!

End of the day, Noah was burning up, like on fire just about literally.  So I took his temperature under his arm and at 102.7 he got restless and was rustling around so I stopped.  You add a degree so his temp was AT LEAST 103.7 last night.  He was crying he was tired and stuff, so I ended up sleeping with him because I was scared he'd have a seizure or something, he was already shaking when he finally did fall asleep.  I said a prayer and laid down close to him and thankfully nothing bad happened during the night.  I was suppose to go back to work today, but called off to be with him because he was so clingy and so not himself.  There is no way that I could have worked today.  He would have never let me.  But the good news is, is that he is fever free now and as of this evening acting totally normal.  I mean so normal, the threat of a time out was brought up!  So back to daycare for him in the morning, and back to work for me to!

I totally cannot believe that by baby boy turned 4 already, time sure does fly.  He knows how to test my patience at times, but I would not trade him for the world!

Noah's 4th Birthday Party!

Sunday February 23rd I had Noah's Birthday Party at Bounce U in Annville! He invited his school friends and some family members, one of my friends brought her little girl who is 4 as well! There were 10 kids there all together just 5 that were invited couldn't come! So that isn't bad! He chose Transformers cupcakes at Wal-Mart so I ordered 30 of those, and got 4 pizzas. Came home with only 8 cupcakes and no pizza! So I probably could have gotten another pizza! I wanted to make sure the adults who attended the party with their kids got to eat as well! I mean because if it wouldn't have been for them their kids couldn't have been there to help Noah have so much fun! The parents had as much fun as the kids, including Grammy! lol.
Grammy and Aunt Chrissy racing in the 2nd party bounce room! LOL

Birthday Boy!

The party was great!  I wish all his friends and some family that were invited could have came but it's understandable to reasons they couldn't!  Noah despite I don't think not feeling quite up to par, had a great time!  All his friends did as well!  He got some awesome gifts, his favorites included Angry Birds sets and Switch and Go Dinos! 
Thank you Everyone!

The best part of the whole party, was no clean up!  I told them what I wanted they took care of ordering the pizza, they served the pizza served the drinks which I told them what I wanted as well, and got to bring home what wasn't used. They had a bin for presents which they took to my car along with the drinks and cupcakes, and I was free to go!  By far the easiest Birthday Party so far!  And funnest!