Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Noah's 4th Birthday Party!

Sunday February 23rd I had Noah's Birthday Party at Bounce U in Annville! He invited his school friends and some family members, one of my friends brought her little girl who is 4 as well! There were 10 kids there all together just 5 that were invited couldn't come! So that isn't bad! He chose Transformers cupcakes at Wal-Mart so I ordered 30 of those, and got 4 pizzas. Came home with only 8 cupcakes and no pizza! So I probably could have gotten another pizza! I wanted to make sure the adults who attended the party with their kids got to eat as well! I mean because if it wouldn't have been for them their kids couldn't have been there to help Noah have so much fun! The parents had as much fun as the kids, including Grammy! lol.
Grammy and Aunt Chrissy racing in the 2nd party bounce room! LOL

Birthday Boy!

The party was great!  I wish all his friends and some family that were invited could have came but it's understandable to reasons they couldn't!  Noah despite I don't think not feeling quite up to par, had a great time!  All his friends did as well!  He got some awesome gifts, his favorites included Angry Birds sets and Switch and Go Dinos! 
Thank you Everyone!

The best part of the whole party, was no clean up!  I told them what I wanted they took care of ordering the pizza, they served the pizza served the drinks which I told them what I wanted as well, and got to bring home what wasn't used. They had a bin for presents which they took to my car along with the drinks and cupcakes, and I was free to go!  By far the easiest Birthday Party so far!  And funnest! 


1 comment:

  1. Yes it was easy and fun.......Good choice.......Loved the NO CLEAN UP....
