Tuesday, October 11, 2011

3 head injuries in 4 days???

Remember my Camp weekend blog where I said that Noah hit his head as he fell off my sister's camper step Saturday?  Then Sunday after we were home our Pug tripped him and he fell into our old computer on the floor?  Well Monday he went a entire day without injury!  As  a matter of fact Noah and I had a absolutely wonderful day together!  He was a perfect Angel all day!  With only bits of moments of badness!  He was great!  We learned letters, counted, did some colors, watched The Wiggles, went to visit his cousin Antonio, had lunch with Grammy.  It was a wonderful day that I would do anything to be able to have everyday of the week! 
Noah once we got home from playing with his cousin!!  knock out!

Well today was a busy Tuesday for me at work, wait busy doesn't cut it crazy is more like the day I had!  Then I got a phone call from his one teacher, I missed the call so I listened the message, "Sabrina this is Mallory from Discovery Kids, this is not an emergency but I just want to inform you that Noah fell off a tricycle and has brush burn on his nose and forehead along with a bruise and goonie.  Everything is ok, I washed it and tried to put ice on it.  He's acting normal, but I had to let you know since it was a head injury, thanks!"  Oh great I think!  So I instantly call my Mom who works at the daycare as well because I knew that she wouldn't sugar coat the injury, and I knew she probably knew about it!  She said they were going to keep him up for a while before he went to take a nap and that he was acting just fine.  So that kinda made me feel better, a little!  That boy is like a walking accident!  I swear!  But he's a boy I guess, can't expect him to be handsome all the time!  I keep telling him that he only gets one head, so he needs to take care of it!
My finger was kinda in the way, but you can kinda see the aftermath :(
The flash is too bright!

So I am hoping that he doesn't have anything else happen to his cute little face before it all heals up! 

After work I had to take my car back to the shop for the third time, yes I said third time!  The third time is a charm right??  Well I hope! 

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