Sunday, October 9, 2011


This weekend we went camping!  Noah absolutely loves it up there, he can just go and go and go some more, even when the adults are ready for a nap!  He's a free spirit up there with limited exclusions!  And of course it wouldn't be a visit to Camp without a messed up forehead! 

This is a crappy phone picture and you can't really see the bump, but you can see the scratches from the fall! He doesn't mind, and he loves to say cheese when he gets his picture taken!

So we played, and ran, took golf cart rides, went for a walk.  You know all the normal things we do at camp!  On our walk we seen a groundhog.  It wasn't the normal groundhog, it would stand up spin in a circle then fall down and roll over and repeat!  I think that it ate poison or something because it wasn't foaming at the mouth or anything.  So I assume it wasn't rabid.  It was cute when we first seen it, but then it started acting funny and it was like ummm lets get out of here before it attacks us!  Noah of course fell asleep on the way back but was soon woken back up by barking dogs!  But still he was good, as usual!  He didn't ever want to take a time out to nap, eat, get a diaper change nothing he was just on the go!  I love to see him happy!  Even though up there between the camp road and the river being right there when we are down at our camper, which is just a heart attack in 19 month old form!  It's still fun! 

he's saying "ohhh"

Cody on his dirt bike

My Dad looking like he's taking a nap!

Danielle and my sister
Kailyn or as Noah says KK, which really is her nick name!

It's never to early to start practicing your trick riding!

Mr. Handsome

Noah and KK running up top!

Aunt Danielle holding Noah on the dirt bike, which I'm sure he'll have one when he's old enough

For now, this is Noah's dirt bike!

My Mom and KK

He melts my heart!

helping his Pop

Bowl head!

My lovely older sister!

Everyone that knows me and my family knows my sister leads a "alternative lifestyle", which that term just irritates me!  But her and Danielle have been together forever and have wanted to try to have a baby for a while.  After months and months of medication and diets, and heartache, their appt on Thursday to get a new game plan, was actually the game changer appt!  They said that she was about to ovulate and so they were going to inseminate the next day!!! My sister was inseminated on Friday and Saturday, so hopefully I'll have a niece or nephew come next July!  I'm so excited for them both!  I know that my sister would make the most awesome Mother ever!  She's always wanted kids and always did awesome with other people's kids!  I really hope it works this first time, even though odds may be against it.  There is always a chance!  So I really really hope that come the 18th when they go back to see if it took, that it did!  I don't want to see them hurt and be depressed anymore then they already have been.  I can't imagine how it must feel.  I'm praying for the best for them!!

We had a awesome weekend, and finally got home early this afternoon.  After showers and baths we are good to go!  Tomorrow the daycare is closed for staff development, so Noah and Mommy are going to spend the day together! We are going to work on the letters A and B starting tomorrow for the week.  He's been doing good with his colors, and we have been counting with him.  We count the steps outside to come in, talk about how many eyes, hands, feet nose mouth he has.  It's fun!  He is really a smart kid, and continues to amaze me everyday! 

So as if Noah didn't have enough damage to his head, Frankie our Pug tripped him and he fell and hit the old computer and got a instant goonie/black and blue mark. 
my poor baby :(
I'll tell ya, people are going to start thinking he's abused!  But he's really just clumsyWe all love him to pieces none the less, and wouldn't know what to do without him!

215125.2102100120110202102121002ghvvvbvzx   <-------Noah's addition to the blog! He snuck in quick and that's what I found added, so I just saved it and added what I wanted to add above it!  It's better then deleted, which is what I thought he was going to do!!

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