Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Gymnastics and Croup oh my

Last Saturday Noah started his gymnastics class!  He had a lot of fun, which I knew he would!  He LOVES Jumpin' Jitney that comes to the daycare which is just a small gymnastics bus.  I was toying with putting him in a class when he turned 3, then his cousin Antonio goes to a Parent and me class for 18 months to 3 years then they start class on their own at 3 1/2.  So I thought what the heck he can go with him there!  It's only a 1/2 hr class, but he sure got his work out!  He loved it and it's not that expensive so I think I will keep it up as long as he wants to do it!  Until he can get into a sport this is good, keeping him busy and active is my goal!  He's already active, and a busy body so he needed something to do with all that energy! 

Noah had a blast and can't wait to go back!  You couldn't really see the picture of him on the balance beams because they are way in the back, but he loved it and did great!  Turns out that the lady who owns it grew up across the street from my Dad!  So that was kind of neat, it's such a small world!  Everywhere you go you end up being connected somehow!

On the 17th I also celebrated my 32nd Birthday!  I already have the best present I could ever want, but I guess Birthdays keep coming anyway!  Despite having a headache for 4 days at the time, with no relief even after pills, and a Toradol shot I had a GREAT day!
Sunday evening Noah started his Barking seal cough, on and off.  Thankfully I was off Monday for MLK Jr day, he was a little worse but I remembered when he was a baby and had Croup they said to take him out in the fresh air and steam bathroom.  I had him out 3 different times Monday, turns out Monday night he was even worse.  Ended up taking off work Tuesday and keeping him home and taking him to the Dr, he has Croup and a upper respiratory infection.  Poor kid,  He just got over a ear infection.  Guess it's that time of year!  He seems to be a little tiny bit better, but taking it slow is the best bet!  The Dr said he should be better by the weekend.  I'm hoping!

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