Thursday, August 8, 2013

August Randomness

I cannot believe that it's August already!  Really come on, where is this year going??  The summer is flying by and lately it's feeling more like Fall than Summer!  But I'm not really minding that too much!  I can't really take the heat that well since this MS hit me, well more the humidity.

My Little man had been growing and changing like nobodies business!  He's actually just lately starting to showing his imagination, it's coming out when he doesn't think anyone is really listening when he's making his cars or people talk to each other.  It's pretty neat. At the same time though  Noah has been a bit of a pickle lately....not sure what's exactly up with that.  Guess I am going to start trying other ways to cope, since time outs are really seeming to phase him much. 

Parker my awesome Nephew is doing great, growing like a weed!  He's getting cuter by the day just like boys do!  This picture is from his trip to the beach last month, my sisters caption was "Parker thinks the beach stinks!"

My little cousin Tiffany had her baby on 7/28, she was way early not due until October. But due to Health issues with Pre Eclapsia she was forced to deliver early. After being born at only 1lb 8oz and having a few scary moments she is doing very well and is one feisty little girl! Gabriella Marie. She's just like her Mama!

I am now working from home. The only thing that isn't set up yet is the phone. Well it's set up, but the line has to be recorded so I don't know what the hold up is with that. Maybe this week....going on week 3. Who knows. We'll see! Life is good can't much complain! Someone somewhere has it worse off than I do. I have learned to count my blessings. Because the Blessings I already have someone else is wishing they had. I'm trying this whole positive outlook on life thing. So far it is really turning out to be alot better for me than before! Duh! Happy August!

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