Friday, August 23, 2013


Wednesday Mom,Kailyn,Noah and I spent the day at the Park! I had won tickets back in June from Bob 94.9, we just choose when to go! Noah only rode 5 or 6 rides but LOVED the water park! KK didn't ride many rides either but more than Noah! I don't do rides and either does Mom but she was a good sport and got on a few! Not to mention the panic attack she had on the monorail thing and it was her idea to get on, I felt so bad for her. The park should be ashamed of themselves though, charging a arm and a leg to get in then how much for food! Needless to say the kids ate and Mom and I just had 1/4 of Noah's burger! It was $18 for Noah's burger and fries and a drink, KK got a ceaser salad and a water which was over $11! That was just a little insane! We took $140 came home with $7 and we  really didn't buy much except a few refills on the souvenir cup, a few bottles of $3 water, a lemonade, and slushy, popcorn Noah wanted, pictures from the Turnpike. And then believe it or not Noah wanted Peanut Butter Cups for a souvenir! lol That is just too funny, because my boy LOVES without any kind of doubt LOVES PB Cups! He already had some at home, but he wanted to get a bag from mini ones at Chocolate World! I was like well OK, if that's really what you want then that's what you can have! Cheap! He has had them since Wednesday and he hasn't even opened them yet! I gotta say that we had a very good memorable time! This was Noah's very first time there, and I am so happy that I got to see the joy in his face, especially when we got to the water park that boy was in HEAVEN! He LOVES the water! Now for some pictures!!


This is AFTER the waterpark, we or should I say I look like complete crap! lol

Here is Noah after we left the park, we got home to pick up Kailyn's stuff to take her home and he was knocked out before then!  Less than 10 minute drive!
 We honestly did have a great time, and Wednesday was a great day to go because it wasn't really crowded at all!  It was hot, well humid.  Which didn't kick my MS butt like I expected it to at the time, but Thursday I was sick, sick as a dog that I had to take a half day at work and I even was working from home!  I couldn't do it.  I felt awful.  Didn't eat until dinner time, slept all afternoon.  I guess the heat caught up with me the next day!  But today, Friday I am all better feeling like myself just in time for the weekend and to work tomorrow! 

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