Tuesday, October 26, 2010

8 months already

So has it really been 8 months since I became a Mommy to the most precious little boy in the world?? I can't believe it! I was thinking on Sunday which was his official 8 month Birthday, how it seems like yesterday I was still on maternity leave being the worried, nervous new Mom. I just can't believe it! He's getting so big! He has 7 teeth so far, is crawling and pulling himself up on EVERYTHING! He amazes me more everyday! When I get to daycare to pick him up and he sees me he gets all excited and smiles! It's so cute, and makes any bad day 100% better in a second!

I just love this little guy more then anything in the whole world!

So it's been 3 weeks this week since I sent the letters to Jeff's family to let them know about Noah. I haven't heard anything back yet. I guess all things take time. I found out that his Mom posted on his FB page that the official Coroners report came back and Jeff had a enlarged heart and a 90% blockage in one of his arteries. The enlarged heart is hereditary, but it's also something that can be brought on my some other things. So I am going to get Noah checked for that early, and hopefully he will be ok. Once I found out that his family was not aware of Noah I knew this whole thing was going to end up a big mess. I'm just trying to do the right thing by telling them they do have another Grandchild. The ball is in their court now, whatever they choose, I tried.

Other then that everything is great!

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