Friday, March 30, 2012

attempt at flying a kite.....

The other day we were outside, and since it was kinda windy my Mom suggested we fly Noah's kite.  Ok, how hard can it be?  Mind you I can't even remember even a little bit how long ago it was since I flew a kite!  Anyway, we get the kite put together, and I thought well I'll try to get it up in the air and Noah will see it and be interested.  Yeah how about Mommy falls on her freaking face going up the hill! Hilarious as it was, and trust me I would have loved to have been able to see it, Noah was more upset.  He looked like he was going to cry and I said don't cry buddy Mommy's ok!  So then it was his turn because Mommy was NOT going to be doing anymore running up the hill!  He got it off the ground a inch or two and that's it!  He was just having fun running up and down the yard!  Thankfully Grammy was out with us so we had the road blocked!  I don't like living so close to the road with no back yard.  That scares me.

We had a lot of fun attempting to fly the kite!  Next time we will go somewhere with more space to run and get it up in the sky! 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Riding his Big Boy Bike!

Man I love this little guy!  That title couldn't be more true because he has turned into such a polite, please and thank you kinda little man and I'm so proud of him!

Terrific Thursday!

Thursday started out a little well, unnerving!  Noah had blood work done at his 2 year check up, and it came back that his cholesterol was high.  His pediatrician wanted to refer him to a Cardiologist, just so he could be monitored closely.  At first, I was like ok, whatever so they wanna waste some more of my money by sending him there, then the closer the appointment got the more and more I was getting anxiety.  First the reminder saying to expect to be there for 3 hours, yes 3 hours!  Then it goes on to say about doing all these tests.  I was a nervous wreck by the time the appt came.  On top of it I'm thinking oh my God what if she is really sending him there because of what I told her about when his Father passed away.  The enlarged heart and blockage, which freaked me out even more!  Saddest thing is, they were asking for more of his Father's history but I couldn't really give them much because Jeff's Mother wasn't exactly a help what so ever. Honestly talking about bad health issues isn't something Jeff and I ever talked about!  That's beside the point. 
Anyway turned out after packing a bag of cars, books, enough snacks to tide him over and have a variety, and packing water in a cooler bag expecting to be there forever, we only were there a hour!  I was so glad!  They got his height and weight, which is still pretty much the same as his check up, 36 pounds, gained a few ounces.  Then they did a EKG, which was absolutely PERFECT!  I was so glad!  They didn't have to do any other tests, which made me extremely happy!  The Dr said he has a very strong heartbeat, and everything seems just fine!  The Dr said that sometimes genetics is why things happen, and there isn't anything to do about it.  Which I believe is the case because the boy does not have a bad diet what so ever!  Anyway it was such a relief to find out that everything was ok, and that we didn't have to go back until next year.  Then he will get his blood work checked and probably see a lipid specialist cardio Dr!

Since we got out a lot earlier than expected, we stopped at the playground that's across the street from the Children's Heart Group at Nyes Rd.  It's called The Possibility Place.  It's really a awesome place!  It's for ALL children, children with disabilities and all!  The walk ways are wide enough for a stroller or wheelchair!  It really is a awesome place!  It's made of like fake plastic feeling wood for lack of a better term, and AstroTurf, it's awesome!  They even have a little spot that has like painted palm trees that's sprinklers!  I know that Noah will love that once summer is here! 

he though he was hot stuff walking on the airplane!

loved being in the train, but didn't want to be with other kids so he ran out and went off to something else!

he's watching a little boy and his Grandma with light sabers! lol
We had a lot of fun there!  Then we left and headed to my best friends brand new Pizza Shop!  Tony's Pizzeria and Restaurant in Highspire is officially open for business as of last Monday March 19th.  Today was the "official" pizza cutting ceremony with the Mayor! Yes, not ribbon Krista said the mayor was going to cut a 36" pizza instead! Anyway lunch was absolutely delicious!  I wish Krista and Tony the best of luck!  I know you can do it!
he's getting a behind the scenes look, maybe a high school job?!

We had a fabulous day all in all!  What started out as a nervous, anxiety filled morning turned out perfect!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Just a little update

It's been a while since Noah turned two, and really not much of anything exceptionally fantastic has been happening!  Since it's been absolutely gorgeous here for the past week or so we have been sucking up every ounce of niceness Mother Nature has been so kind to give us!

We have gone to different playgrounds, some two in the same day!  As well as taken Noah's bike to Shank Park for him to get some good practice in on his pedaling skills which by the way he's practically a pro at the tricycle!  He just started being able to pedal his big boy bike his Poppy got him for Christmas, but believe it or not Mommy hasn't had a opportunity to capture that in a photograph!

These were taken at Shank Park the other weekend.

These are more recent from this week really.  We have been having a blast, taking nice walks and he loves his wagon!  I figured that would be a hit!  He cracks me up!

His shirt says " Today the playground, Tomorrow the World!"

I promise you that he decided to slide down the rock wall himself! lol

I said look up so Mommy can take your picture....I didn't mean literally!

<3 this face

Monday at Kids Kastle since Mommy was off work, straight to the sand box!

The other day in Hummelstown, Mr Allwine my old Principal's son left him ride his kids bike!  Blessing in disguise!

Mommy and Noah at Kids Kastle getting ready to go down the slide!

Monday's first walk with the wagon, loved it!  Notice the leash...yes I know.  It IS necessary!

Noah got to see his 1/2 sister the other Friday, she got him some nice Birthday gifts, which he LOVES!  He always talks about Jayana, go to Jayana's? Jayana there?  When we go to the park!  Love him!

We have definitely had a lot of fun since he turned two!  There is no terrible twos about it, he is no worse then he was before.  Really, technically he's a typical two year old, he has his temper tantrums and little fits because he cannot have what he wants, but he gets over it.  I don't know I honestly cannot complain one bit!  Back to the "leash" that you can see on him in the wagon picture, I always said that I would NEVER use one of those on my kid. Yeah well that was before I had a child of my own, and the anxiety of him running into traffic or not listening to me.  Of course it's only going to be used for walks, which he'll be mostly in the wagon anyway, and if we were to go somewhere with a big crowd like Chocolate World or something.  He's too big for a stroller now, so I gotta keep him safe.  Things can happen in a blink of a eye!  He is still obsessed with Tractors, and well anything really that has wheels and a motor!  He loves to go that's for sure.  He's totally all boy!  He got a awesome baseball tee set by little tykes that talks and he seems interested in that, but once we get outside with it his mind is everywhere but with that!  I hope he plays baseball, I can sit and watch baseball games, not so sure about soccer!

He's talking up a storm!  Since before when I said his vocabulary tripled, it probably tripled again!  He's putting together sentences, and saying things that I didn't even know he could say!  He says his Alphabet, straight through, only gets hung up on M N O P, he got the O and P but the M and N sounds like mumbles.  He can count to 10 like a champ to.  His colors he's not so great with, but we are working on that!  Everything is either Blue or Purple!  But hey that's ok for now!  He tries to go potty usually once a day at daycare, and at least once a night.  I know that isn't enough, or a lot but I'm not totally positive he's actually ready to be potty trained.  However this weekend will be the test because we have no plans, and MY plan is to stick around the house, put those training pants to use and get him used to going to the potty!  We'll see, wish me luck!