Saturday, August 6, 2011

first ER visit

So last night, 8-5-11 Noah had his first and hopefully last ER visit. He reached up on the counter and pulled the coffee pot handle which was hot and just brewed, which dumped on his head. I was standing right there because I was filling up his cup and it all just happened so fast. Thank the good Lord he was wearing his t-shirt still. I was going to dress him in a tank top, I'm glad I didn't. And thank God that Bass Pro Shops make thick shirts, cause that's where his shirt came from he was wearing. We took him in the bathroom right away and my Dad took him in a cool shower while I called his Dr's office. Of course they were closed, so I talked to a nurse. She said to take him to the ER. We took him and they actually got us in right away, I guess they told them we were coming so they expected us. We were only there for about a hour. I was really shocked. By the time we were on our way in there he was calm, and since he was just traumatised we gave him a bottle. He thankfully since we got his shirt off right away and got him in the cool water only has like 3 or 4 spots on his head, his ear was red most of the night but that went away now. He slept all night, and is acting normal so far today. I guess it's not affecting him that much. I am soooooooooo glad that nothing more happened, and that he put his head down, because if that hot coffee burnt his precious face or eyes or something I don't know what I'd do. But the only orders we left with were neosporin and pain reliever, nothing major. I am so glad about that! He definitely had his guardian angels watching over him yesterday! Thank you Noah's Daddy and my Grandparents, I know it was you guys!
Noah playing with a truck the Child Life people brought from Hershey med.
Poor little man
Looking at a book with Grammy, she was worried about him to!
Noah and his Poppy, who came in to the hospital because he was so worried!

I'm so glad that everything is ok, I was hoping to not have to have any emergency room visits until he's at least 10 but I guess that's not going to happen! He's definitely all boy! I'm really glad I have a wonderful supportive family also, because without my Mom and Dad who knows what would have happened. I kinda got in panic mode for a minute but my parents sort of took over so I could see what we should do from the Dr. I was so scared and when your scared and nervous you don't ever think right! I'm so glad that's over and that everything is ok though!

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