Sunday, April 15, 2012

Monkey Joe's!

Noah and I had a great weekend together!  Grammy and Poppy went up to our camp to get the camper all cleaned out and ready for us to start our camping season on Saturday, so it was just Mommy and Noah!

 We started our day with a little shopping trip to Target, we just had to pick up a few things.  Then we stopped at Aunt Krista's Pizza Shop for lunch, then headed home for a nap!  After a 3 hour nap we went to the playground and had a lot of fun playing there on just about every piece of equipment there was!

Then we went to K-Mart and scored a good deal on some snow pants for next year and a jacket for the Fall!  We went down to Weis so we could get something to make for dinner, and Noah seen the ducks that always seem to be there, and was obsessed!  So needless to say we were stopped for a few minutes to watch the ducks....that did ummm yeah nothing!
It was a busy and fun day all in all and I was very happy to get to spend it alone with my son because that doesn't get to happen to often!

Sunday we had plans to meet up with Noah's 1/2 sister Jayana at Monkey Joe's and her Mommy.  We had a blast there!  The kids played their little hearts out!  It was so busy, with so many people, as usual!  Noah was there twice before, both times during the week which wasn't quite as busy and both times he wasn't as into it as he was this time!  I was SOOOOOO happy though that he was having a good time!  His poor little body was so sweaty!  I thought for sure he would fall asleep when we left, but he didn't! 

These two kids are the most blessed kids.  I swear, they may not have their Father around which is a disadvantage, but their Father is always watching over both of them every second of everyday and I am a firm believer of that.  I know that those two children are in good hands forever!

After Monkey Joe's we went to Friendly's for lunch, that was fun!  Yeah could you tell that was sarcastic?!?  It was fun, until Noah started giving his little fits here and there!  He is used to taking a nap, usually at school he's sleeping around 12, and usually doesn't wake up until like 2:30.  So I try to keep it about the same on the week, just sometimes it's not practical.  Today was one of those days!  He slept a little on the way over to MJ's and then slept after we left Friendly's so I just drove around a while so he'd sleep!  I guess I really can't complain too much, he is only two!  That's my excuse! 

After we got home Noah cut the grass with Poppy, which he always loves to do, even though it may not be the most safest thing ever.  My Dad is careful!  Then he was outside most of the night in just his diaper, riding bikes, playing on his swing set, riding his scooter!  He just had a blast!

I hope everyone had as great of a weekend as we had!

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