Thursday, December 20, 2012

Few days until Christmas.....

Man oh man I don't know where this year has gone, but it seems like in a blink of a eye months have flown by!  Time seems to go slow as your in that moment but then you look at the calendar and it's already the end of that's like when did that happen?!

This year however I am super lucky and proud to say that I have been finished with all my Christmas shopping since before Thanksgiving and the stuff I have been picking up has just been little extras here and there!  First year in many that I could say that!  I know I am not by any means rich, or can get Noah everything he could ever want in life, but out of the Christmas list he had this year.....he got everything on it!  He should be one happy little boy Christmas morning!  I am so excited and can't wait!  Honestly, this year is going to be so much fun!  He had a few presents to open already little things and he dug right in, I can't wait until everything is there! 

Charlie the Elf has been hanging around, in the bathroom, on the fish tank, in the Christmas Tree, on top of the shelving unit, on his Tractor, hanging from the light in the kitchen, in Mommy's car, he even showed up at Daycare two different times!  He's one silly elf!  He even one night played with Noah's cars and made a Parking lot, which is what Noah always does and left Noah a note to see how he did....Noah was less than thrilled that Charlie was playing with his cars!!  I think that Noah might be a little too young yet to fully get the whole elf on a shelf thing, but I think that he sort of understands it.  There is a elf on the shelf movie that we just caught the very end of one night, I would like to watch the whole thing cause I think then he'd get it!  I don't know.  But soon it's time to say good bye to Charlie until next year, I'll miss that sneaky old elf!

The other day was Noah's daycare Christmas Party!  As always it was fun!  Noah got a little something for his friends, and his teachers.  Made some melted snowman cookies, and then brought some regular cookies when I realized that maybe everyone wouldn't want to eat all that sweetness!
these were so super easy to make!  I'll definitely make them again!

Teacher gifts, Target gift card, tea towel, hot cocoa mix, reusable cup!

class gifts little straw cups, Hershey kisses and kit Kat

The party as all the parties was nice!  The teachers did a great job making the gifts for the parents!  As always they always make the best stuff!
Nice hand print Santa card, Deer, which I believe is foot and hands, and I LOVE the Rudolph magnet!  Also got the reindeer ornament also!

Ornament Noah got from Santa!
Tomorrow is Friday and PJ day at daycare, so Noah is going to wear his Christmas PJ's and he wants to take his Prep and Landing movie to share with his class since they usually watch a movie on Fridays! 

We had a nice visit from my sister, Danielle and Parker tonight!  Man I love my little nephew!  Tonight he was dressed like a elf!  So cute!

I guess that's all for now, until Christmas! 

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