Thursday, November 25, 2010

Noah's First Thanksgiving!

Today was Noah's very first Thanksgiving! He isn't feeling well, so most of the morning when Mom and I were kinda trying to get stuff ready he was crabby. But then he took a good nap and was in a better mood for a while! I ground up some of the turkey in the food processor, a piece of candied sweet potatoe, and he had some mashed taters and a few green beans! He LOVED it all! The real turkey is a little more gritty then the baby food turkey so I was worried but he loved it! I put it on his plate, and gave him a spoon. The spoon was more for me because I was going to feed him while I was eating and instead he picked up the darn spoon and put it in his mouth!! I NEVER expected that, but like my Dad said he seen me do it a million times so he knew what to do with it! He needed a little help with getting the food on it but after that he had it under control! I forgot to take the "after" picture but he had turkey and taters ALL over his face, hair ears you name it! So needless to say we went straight to the tub! It was just easier then trying to wipe him off and still finding turkey 3 hours later, you you catch my drift! He had NO problem with getting a mid day bath since he absolutely LOVES his baths! All in all it was a GREAT day! Dinner was wonderful as usual, my sister made Pumpkin and Pecan pie which were awesome as well! It was a great day with my wonderful family and my growing up too fast son! I believe Noah had a wonderful First Thanksgiving!

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