Wednesday, August 8, 2012

M&H Railroad

Last Saturday I took Noah for a surprise, he had no idea where we were going. Actually he thought we were going to buy something for him, but we weren't! I planned to take him for a ride on the M&H railroad Saturday morning! He likes trains, and well anything that goes! The last train ride he was on was last September when we went to Day out with Thomas, which was a wash out....literally! This is so close to home that I can't see not taking him once in a while on it!

Going to the potty on the train!

The narrator

Every time the whistle blows! 

From the September flood....condemned.

so sleepy on the way back

Grammy got him a "Goat truck" almost just like Poppy's at the Train station gift shop!
He was a perfect angel at the station, waiting for the "All aboard!" from the conductor and on the whole ride! I could hardly believe it myself! He even went pee on the potty on the train! That was pretty cool! He covered his ears every time the whistle blew, and was just about asleep by the time we got back to the station! He had a awesome time!
The tracks got washed out closer towards the end from the September flood, so we couldn't go the whole way like before.  It was still 1 1/2 hour train ride though.  It's a shame to have gone through driving and seen the destruction from the flood then going on the train ride you seen more homes that are condemned and are just basically sitting there.  It's a real shame.

I'm not sure but there was a man that rode the train at the same time that had a long beard and the lady with him said something about Santa Claus, and we told Noah he was one of Santa's spy's so I don't know if that's why he was so good on the train or not but hey whatever works right?!
Then since Noah was such a good boy on the train ride his Grammy bought him a Goat truck (dodge truck) that's silver and almost exactly like his Poppy's in the station gift shop! He adores this truck and has been sleeping with it ever since! 

It was a pretty good weekend once again!  I can't complain!  This weekend we are heading up to camp!

Monday Noah was a complete pickle to say the least so we stayed home, tonight Mom went to visit my sister and Parker so I made dinner did laundry and then Noah said he wanted to go to bed at 8pm and I ended up falling asleep with him!  I woke back up at 11, folded wash and here I am.  Now I am hoping to get back to bed!  I'm hoping to make it to the Fuzzy Few Thursday!  We'll see!

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