Saturday, October 20, 2012

My Amazing Noah

Well I  really don't know where this year is going but it's already the end of October, Christmas is right around the corner, before I know it I'll be sending out invites for Noah's 3rd, yes 3rd Birthday Party already! I cannot even believe it!

He is turning into a little man literally right in front of my eyes! Everyday he says or does something that makes me giggle! I honestly never knew how much joy a child could bring your life until he came into mine, and I'll tell you that I couldn't be happier than God chose me to be this wonderful, smart, handsome little guys Mother! I know his Daddy is having the same joy everyday watching over him, and sees everything he does to, and I know if he were here he'd be in love with this little guy of his!

He says some of the funniest things, and surprisingly at the most appropriate times to!
On the way home from the Barnyard Kingdom Sunday, Aunt Danielle was sitting in the back with him and Parker and was picking on Noah cause he was picking his nose, so Noah cleverly says (while slapping his legs) "Well you guys are just going to have to stop because I do this all the time!" That was the best! We laughed so hard!
He constantly is telling Parker "Don't fry Parker" When he's crying, don't ask why he say fry, cause the boy can say cry, maybe he is saying cry and he's saying it funny so it just sounds like fry I really don't know, but it's cute!
He always wants to hold Parker, then when he's done, he just moves his hands and says "Get him, Get him Mom" So there is no going far away when he's holding him!
He told me a few weeks ago as he was going potty before nap something that I couldn't understand, so I asked him to repeat it, he said and mind you he's sitting on the potty this big potty, feet dangling hitting his knees and saying "Mom it really pisses (but it didn't sound like that!) me off when I have to go to sleep." I said well I'm sorry buddy but you have to take a nap so you have energy to play and aren't crabby! Come on what do you say to that? I told him of course not to say that, and he hasn't said that since, at least not to me but it was hilarious to hear!

He is a big helper, loves to help with everything. He likes to hold the dogs when they are outside on the leash, hang the leashes up, pour water in their water bowl, feed the cat, pick out his own underwear which I specifically had to put in the lowest drawer for that reason! He is a total independent boy, likes to do everything himself, or at least try! He hasn't quite mastered getting undressed yet, although he's getting close! Getting dressed will be another story! He likes to pick out his own clothes though, so most times I will give him a choice between 2 different shirts, and ask if he wants jeans or sweatpants, he'll tell me. It's nice but sometimes a pain, but he's gaining his Independence so I shouldn't complain!

He is finally potty trained! I don't want to jinx it but he's been doing great for a few weeks now with no accidents, and most days not using a pull up and being dry at nap, although he's not dry through the night yet but heck that might take a few years! He's successfully going poop on the potty all the time now, which is great, and telling me when he has to go, even if it's just pee. I love it! Even a few times that I have put a pull up on him for the sake of not having a accident due to long drives, or not having fast access to bathrooms like when we went to Dover or last weekend to the Barnyard Kingdom, he still went potty and stayed dry the WHOLE time! That makes me more proud then ever! I tell him that just because you have a pull up on doesn't mean get lazy and go in your pants it means it's there in case of a emergency! He only gets the pull up when we are going away some place like that now, somewhere he's going to have lots of fun and might wait until the last minute to go potty, better to wear a pull up just in case then have to bring a bunch of extra clothes!  He listens, which is amazing at this age, and I love it! I feel so accomplished! Next thing to tackle.....writing. I already know teaching a child to write is frustrating, so I can't even imagine how this is going to be!
He's counting to 20 now, with a little help, he gets a few mixed up.  In the grocery store this morning a older woman was walking past him counting and said to him "well you sure do count well!, how old are you?" He said "two" she said "Oh my I thought you had to be 3 at least, you count very well for 2!"  He was blushing and it was adorable! 

He really amazes me with how smart he is, and some of the things he says.  Now since I have to work later cause it's busy season at work when I get home he greets me with a smile and a big hug I love it! 

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