Thursday, December 26, 2013

Church plays/ Daycare plays/ Snow Days/ 4 wheeler fun oh my!

We have had quite the busy December so far! As a matter of fact we just decorated our tree TODAY, yes today the 15th of December! This is officially the latest we have EVER decorated for Christmas, but it's ok because we always leave our decorations up until like the middle of January! We had a 3 Birthday parties right in a row for Noah, then at the same time on the same day of one of the parties he had is Christmas show for his DAWGS (Dynamic and Wiggly God Seekers club) with Geyers Church. Which was pretty awesome! All the kids did a great job! They had a great turkey dinner before the show and the parents of the DAWGS club kids brought desert for after the show! It was pretty awesome! I do believe everyone that was there enjoyed theirselves! The next night we were to go to Christmas Candylane to sing with the DAWGS club but that was the night we were to get the ice storm so they cancelled it, turns out that they aren't going to reschedule it so we got free tickets to enjoy a night a Candylane with the family! Hopefully it's not super cold this weekend so we can go before Christmas! Here are a few picture of the dress rehersal for the show, my phone is at my sisters and she has the pictures on her camera!

Parker had his Daycare Christmas program also! That was SO cute! All of the classes preformed, it was held at the Music Box Theatre at HersheyPark on December 12th. It was quite long, with a slideshow at the end which was adorable and a visit from Santa! So cute! I'm so glad we were invited! Here are a few pictures from that!

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Next is the recent snow! Noah and I were out, played a little, actually just walked around,rode his bike in it which actually went really well to my surprise! Then Sunday his Poppy took him out to ride his 4 wheeler in the snow!

yes he can ride his bike in the snow!  I swore that he couldn't he covinced me he could!  never doubt him!

1st time riding in the snow, he loved sliding around!
 I know all this is really late!  I actually started this post a few weeks ago and never finished it!  Everything is just crazy busy lately!  Now Christmas is here and gone already!  And next will be working on that post, but that WILL NOT be tonight, or tomorrow, maybe not even this weekend!  But sometime very soon the Christmas post will be up and I will resume normal blog posts!  Between busy season at work and a million hrs of OT, hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving then Christmas which seems to just all be one huge blur....I will say that there is honestly nothing better than having a child on Christmas day, and this year was the absolute BEST so far with Noah! 

Until Christmas Post!  I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!


  1. Yes it was hectic....But In hind sight I LOVED IT !!!!! And seeing My grandsons throughout the season was GREAT........LOVE them both so much......

  2. Above comment is from grammy zinn not Sabrina....sorry never commented before.....LOL
