Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ugh My 33rd Birthday....gulp

  Did I just title my blog that?? I mean did I really just turn 33? Doesn't seem like I am that old, but I am. Age doesn't matter to me, maybe when I am 40 or 50 I will cringe a little but honestly age is nothing but a number! I have one of the greatest blessings my Son so I can't complain! I have a wonderful family, wouldn't trade them for the world, My son is trying at times now I have learned that terrible THREES are it and not twos! Hopefully that will be going away soon! He will be 4 next month already, which I don't know where the time went, but I am so proud of the young man he is becoming! Great Anyway I guess this post is suppose to be about me! Well I had a GREAT day as usual! Friday was MY day which I learned is also shared with Michelle Obama and Steve Harvey! Those are great famous people to share your day with! Also it's shared with another great person, from DAWGS Shannen Wise! Happens to be Noah's teacher! I worked a half day at work, from home, scheduled Noah's birthday party at Bounce U, had lunch with my bestest at her pizza shop, picked Noah up early from daycare and took him to Toys R Us to cash in his gift cards he had from Christmas since he has a WONDERFUL week at daycare! All Green and Purple cards! Then came home my sister, Danielle and Parker came over. We had Pizza and Subs for dinner, and of course later birthday cake! I got a few awesome gifts from Parker, and Noah and the always thankful for money from my parents! We visited a while, talked a bit about our plans for our Disney trip 2015 and tried the epic fail ChocolateRouge Wine....yuck! But it does have a very good after taste just not good flavor while in your mouth!\

From Noah!

From Parker!

I had a awesome day!  I can't wait until next year, 34 might just be even never know! 

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to say how many times it took you and Noah to finally blow out the candle.....LOL.....I guess you forgot........<3
