Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Isn't it amazing?

Wow it seems like only yesterday I was bringing home my baby boy from the hospital and now he's a almost fully potty trained boy, talking like no body's business, saying some of the funniest things at the best times! He really is the best thing that has ever happened to me! I honestly don't know what I'd do without him and I don't know what I did without him! I gotta tell you that my life had to be really boring! I have watched him grow from a little baby,

Into a fine young toddler,

to the best big cousin anyone could ask for!

He really is growing into a fine young man! I cannot believe that in about 5 months he'll be three already! That is both sad and happy for me! I don't want to see him grow up but at the same time I know he's doing just fine and is ready to grow! He's not a baby anymore, but he'll always be my baby!

He's so smart, he knows and has known his ABC's for months now! He knows them straight through no mistakes! Counts really well, for sure can count up to 13 or 14 by himself! He's working on getting to 20! He's been counting to 10 by himself for months also, but most recently started wanting to go higher than that! He's starting to point out letters, only some not all. What they look like is starting to click with him FINALLY! I made a ABC chart for him at home but I haven't hung it up yet, I guess I gotta get to that! Now that he's in the Beginner Preschool room at daycare they are working more on those things so he should start picking things up a little better, I just have to do some reinforcement! I introduced him to letters months ago at home, but he probably since forgot what they look like, although working on the ABC's and actually saying them every single day probably helps remember letters a little I guess. I still am wishing that I could stay home with him, but unfortunately I still haven't bought that winning lottery ticket, so I can't do that! I kinda feel bad because it definitely is not daycare responsibility to teach my child something, that is MY responsibility, however by the time we get home after he's at school all day from school, I get home from work, most times I really don't want to just sit and drill stuff into his head to learn! I like to have fun with him to! So I will keep the learning things for the weekends, I mean we can still do fun stuff on the weekend but have some learning time to! I like to do crafty stuff with him, and he enjoys it to so I can incorporate that together somehow!

Potty Training....well....if that wasn't the best thing EVERRRRRR! Actually truth be told it really wasn't that bad with him! Actually the whole pull up thing didn't work for me the first time I attempted potty training in June. So thankfully I found a blog on Pinterest that said of her using this method of only putting underwear on them, no pull ups, no even at nap, taking them to the bathroom every 15 minutes and setting a timer, her MIL using it on 10 kids or something etc. So I thought....what the heck give it a try right? It worked! The first weekend as I said in my first potty training post! He had a few accidents but nothing major, he was good to go with the pee....then it was just the poopin' on the potty! He WOULD NOT do it! Which I wouldn't understand because he did it the first day of potty training but hey, whatever! But then FINALLY after a little over a month he FINALLY started going poop on the potty, then about a week after started doing it at school to! Yay I thought, took him to get his talking Woody doll, then his Aunties' took him to get his talking Buzz doll....then he started having poop accidents. Three days in a row, Saturday, Sunday and Monday at school. So needless to say his Woody and Buzz dolls are put away until he starts going on the potty again, which hopefully starts again today (fingers crossed!)! The only time he isn't wearing big boy underwear is nap time and overnight, which everyday at nap he wakes up dry and this morning he woke up dry, and a couple other mornings he woke up dry to. But the minute he's NOT wearing something is when he will NOT be dry! Better to be safe than sorry! I'm so proud of my little boy!! I love him so much! I really thought he'd give me a lot harder time with potty training but he didn't! Thank God!

I gotta say that being a single Mother is a hard job. But it's the best job ever and I wouldn't trade it for the world! There is nothing more rewarding than your child saying "I love you Mommy" and hugging your neck! I love him! Even when he gives me a run for my money, which lately is a lot! I love him so much, sometimes I wish that we could live on our own but right now it's not feasible, with my bills and his needs and being able to do fun stuff with him I can't really afford to be on my own at this time. Maybe in two years when my car is paid off which is almost as much as rent would be, we MIGHT be able to start looking

I wish his Daddy was still here to see him growing up. I know that he's watching over him every single day and is so proud of the incredibly smart handsome young man he's growing up to be! I know his Daddy loves him as much as I do! I only wish sometimes that his other set of Grandparents would have cared enough to want to know who Noah is, and be involved in his life. It kinda would have been nice for him to of had his Daddy's family involved in his life to give a little more information on his Daddy's life, and maybe even picture or something. I already know that they look alike, because at Jeff's funeral I was floored when I seen one of his pictures, he looked exactly like Noah!  I don't know if they don't believe that Noah is Jeff's honestly there is no mistaken!  Not to mention the fact that he has admitted to myself as well as others that he had a son, and Jeff Sr even told me that he told him 2 weeks before he passed away he had a son.  So I don't understand their thinking, I never will, and honestly it's so their loss!  They are missing out on watching Noah grow up into a fine young man!  He's so smart and funny!  I know they see his daughter, but it would have been nice if they would have had the same feeling towards BOTH their Grandchildren!  Oh well as I said their loss!

not the best pic of Jeff but you can so tell the resemblance!
Being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in July 2011, I thought it was a negative thing. I thought it was a bad thing, something that was a bad sign for my son. But thankfully, with the faith of God, and positive attitude that I have adapted I have not progressed! Yay! I had another MRI this summer to check to see if the medicine I am on (Copaxone) is actually working, and it is (thank God!) There are NO new lesions on my brain on on my cervical spine, and the ones that are there some seem that they are shrinking! That's a huge yay!! I have been on Copaxone since August 2011, I do not at all like giving myself a shot everyday, and every night when I do give myself my injection Noah asks if he sees me "what are you doing Mommy, what happened?" I usually try to do it when he's busy playing, outside, or on the computer with my Dad but sometimes he sees. I guess he needs to know, I mean it's apart of BOTH of our lives. I am just so thankful that my MS is under control and I do not have any new symptoms! I have Optic Neuritis, my hands get numb daily but it's not that they are not functional just annoying, and my feet get numb to, once again not non functional just annoying! So hey I'll take that! I of course have the usual fatigue, but really, I don't think it's any worse than anyone else, I mean it might be but with a 2 1/2 year old, I just push through. I was speaking to a friend of mine earlier today that brought something to my attention, she said that she believes that me having Noah was a blessing, that even though AFTER I had him is when the MS symptoms came out, and I was diagnosed having him keeps me busy and active and she thinks that's a big help. I think that's totally true! I have literally been thinking about that ALL day today! Thanks Kyna! I already knew that Noah was a blessing to me, in more ways than one, he's a blessing because I didn't think I'd even have a child, because his Daddy was going to leave this earth unexpected and God knew that so he wanted him to have two beautiful children to let his legacy live on, and to keep me busy while dealing with my MS! My son is a super hero in disguise!! I am just so thankful that my MS, isn't progressing as fast as some people. I feel lucky for that, and I have no one to thank but God. I know that without Him I really would be nowhere.

I'm so happy to spend everyday with Noah, I love him more than the world!  I cannot imagine my life without him! 

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