Monday, January 16, 2012

Four Day Weekend

Today was the final day of our four day weekend.  A busy one it was, I guess that's why it went so fast!  Friday farm show, Saturday hanging at home and a little shopping, Sunday a visit to his Auntie's house for the afternoon, and today just Mommy and Noah having a good day!

We started this final day of "vacation" with a breakfast picnic!  I made us eggs and toast for breakfast, and we sat on a sheet in the living room watching Sprout while we ate our breakfast!  I think Noah enjoyed it because it was different!

Then we did some painting!  Noah seems to like to paint, usually it's paint on his hands or feet for something special so I think when he gets let loose with a brush and paint he's happy!

Ikea bibs make great painting smocks!

Purple...seems to be a favorite.  It was Red, then Yellow and now lately everything is Purple to him! lol

The next Picasso??!!

Thankfully it's washable paint!
He really had fun!  I like doing crafty things with him, he really seems to enjoy it!

For Christmas Santa brought him a leather vest looking shirt.  So today, he was Mommy's little Biker dude!

We had a pretty good day except for the fact that he did not take a afternoon nap, and totally should have!  So needless to say he was a little crabby and whiny this evening.  He was so tired when I tried to put him to bed that he was having a hard time falling asleep.  He kept crying "sleep, sleep."  I felt so bad for him but a little butt patting and shhhh-ing and he was out. 
Here is to hoping that tomorrow he doesn't have a horrible day at daycare since he's not been there for four days!  That's usually not good, but I don't take him to daycare when I'm off work unless I have to because of appointments or something.  I enjoy spending time with him, I wish I could stay home with him everyday, but that is not a option! 

Here are some older pics from last Sunday the 8th that were on my camera. 
Noah got a Carrot pillow at Ikea and Grammy was feeding Poppy the horse it!
Noah and Poppy having breakfast at the short island!
Playground 1 of 2
Playground 2 of 2
Noah got new snow boots and had to wear them!
Laying on the floor playing with his Hess truck....he does this a lot!

Tomorrow is my birthday, yes I have to go back to work on my Birthday! Not a big deal, 31 already though that's kinda tough to swallow!  I remember having a hard time turning 24 because I was only a year away from 25!  I didn't really have a hard time last year turning 30 and I just think it was because I had Noah.  I always said before if I didn't have kids by the time I was 30 I wasn't going to have any, and boy I just made the cut off! ha ha.  Anyway, what do they say your only as old as you feel right? I guess it's not that bad then!

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