Thursday, June 14, 2012


I know that people told me that time would fly once Noah was born, but I had no idea exactly what they meant until recently! The first year went quick, and the second went faster I think, but this year is on it's way to being 1/2 over already! I cannot believe it!
My baby is growing into quite the little boy. He is talking up a storm, literally been talking above and beyond his expected amount of words for months now, been talking in sentences since way before his 2nd birthday. He's knows his ABC's, knows how to count to 10, and is learning to count from 10-20 now. EVERYTHING is 1...2...3 GO! He loves cars, trucks, trains and Tractors most of all. He's quite the motor head, thanks to his Poppy! I said when he was younger that I hoped he liked that stuff and sports and not superhero things, cause I didn't want action heroes all over. Well I think I have gotten my wish, because my boy is non stop! He loves anything that goes, he loves to run, he's just a bundle of energy! Sometimes I wish I had 1/2 the energy left that he has after playing hard for a afternoon!

Tuesday evening it was pouring down rain, he had gotten a new frog umbrella not long ago and never used it.  Well even though he has a rain coat, and that does him just fine to go from the house to the car, car to school etc, he wanted to go outside to use his umbrella.  So I told him that we could after supper.  Of course after supper is when it was POURING!  But he loved it!  We were only out for about 10 minutes, then came in got a warm bath and watch wow wow wubzy!

The other night when we went back to lay down for bed he said after a few minutes of being quiet, "Mommy, Mommy, I'm Spideaman....psssst" I smiled, and giggled thankfully it was dark and I said Aren't you suppose to be going to sleep? He said "Yes Mommy lowb you." Then low and behold a few minutes later he said "Mommy Mommy, I Batman!" I said I thought you were Spiderman? "He said No I Batman." I said oh Ok Batman well you better go to sleep because you have to go to school in the morning! He's so funny, he finds just about anything to not go to sleep right away! We have not yet mastered just tucking him into his big boy bed and walking away, I still lay with him for a while until he's almost sleep. Sometimes I wish he was still in a crib so I could just put him in there and let him go but I like that he sort of made the choice himself to leave the crib and be in a big boy bed! I guess he knows what he wants, and once he's asleep he doesn't get up and screw around, actually even before he's asleep he's not really out of bed messing around just messing around on his bed!  Yesterday at the playground he went running, and was saying in a deep, deep voice which anyone that knows him knows he already has! But when he makes this voice it kinda sounds mean, he said "I'm a Dragon Tama!" Well he got that from the Circus, it was Dragon theme, and he's been looking through his Circus Program the past few days so he kept saying that he's a dragon tamer! It was so cute, I was cracking up! He's really getting quite the imagination! It's quite entertaining! Another thing he keeps saying is "Not quite." I'm not sure where he got that from but it's funny because he uses it at the right time and in the right way!  Tonight he took some skin off his big toe in the kitchen and he was saying "my foot I can't walk, my foot"  It was hilarious!  He could walk, it was just his overly dramatic side coming out but we all got quite the kick out of it!  He's a little comedian!  Half the time I don't even know where he gets the stuff he says!  He's just awesome!

stole Mommy's tea and was hiding drinking it, so Mommy drank his water!

Last night him and his Poppy were sitting on the recliner together and they were playing with cars, making car noises and stuff. It's so cool to see him turning into a little boy. It's sad, but it's all becoming reality, he's not a baby anymore he's my big boy!

He will always be my baby no matter his age but he really is turning into someone that I am proud of, and I also know that his Daddy is watching over him from Heaven everyday and is so proud of the little man he has become! I only wish his Daddy could be here to enjoy him with me!

He's going to be a Big Cousin any day now! My sister was at the Dr's today and they said that if she doesn't go by herself by next Thursday they will discuss a date to induce her labor!  I hope she could go on her own, but I also am impatient to meet my nephew!  I can't wait to be a Aunt to! I know my sister told me that she found a matchbox car in Parkers bassinet the other day, I said I guess Noah thinks your never to young to play with matchboxes! Noah's going to be a great Big Cousin! I know already! He kisses my sisters belly, he's so cute! I can't wait to meet Parker, he's been keeping us waiting for a long long time! I have been waiting for my sister to have a baby for a long time so I am glad the time has finally come for it to happen!
I can't wait to meet you Parker Harrison!  Your Aunt Sabrina Loves you already!

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