Saturday, May 19, 2012

Another Touch A Truck Event

This weekend Noah and I have the house all to ourselves!  Grammy and Poppy went up to camp for the weekend.  Even thought Noah would have loved to go up, I on the other hand wanted just a weekend around home.  We had two rather busy non stop weekends in a row, and then next weekend being the first holiday weekend, we will be going up to camp anyway.  So I said Noah and I will just stay home and hold the fort down!
Last evening we hung around the house, and made a new updated stepping stone!  The last time I made a stepping stone was when Noah was 3 months old.  I know I'm such a slacker, especially when one was given as a gift at his first birthday party!  I still haven't done it yet!
I was debating on if I wanted to try hands, or do feet again.  Of course at 3 months old I just did feet, and they were the smallest cutest little feet ever!  So I was talking over it with Noah as if he really cared, and he said hand and foot.  I'm sure he didn't mean that, or didn't mean it like that but hey sounds like a great idea to me!  So we did the left hand and right foot!  Man does he have big feet now!

I made him make his indents again and he squished his fingers and toes!  his pinkie isn't really pushed to good but I love it!

My how fast they grow.
He cooperated very well and even helped with decorating the stone, what little we could decorate cause of his big foot!  Next year it will be one hand and that's all or else one foot!

This morning I decided that I was going to try to push the potty training thing.  I know he's only two, I also know that I am not home with him all the time therefore that makes it hard to.  But I thought since last week when I had to go to the store for overnight diapers, and he blurted out that no he wanted to wear pull ups that maybe he was ready?  I should have known better! 
Friday evening he actually did pretty good, he went twice!  Saturday however, totally different story!  We got up, I put him on the potty right away as your suppose to nothing. Then because of something that happened Friday evening I thought I'd take him to the potty every 1/2 hour to ensure no accidents.  Well guess what, he didn't go on the potty at all this morning before we left for Touch A Truck, like last night after he went twice he'd say he had to go while or right after he already went!  So then when we left to go I just put a diaper on him just because I didn't want any accidents especially when he was going to be sitting on other peoples stuff!  Once we got home, The diaper came off, on the potty he sat, pull up on.....nothing.  Then a 1/2 hour later I sat him on again, once again nothing.  Then he didn't want to get up he wanted to sit, ended up sitting for like a hour, no lie!  NOTHING, can you believe it, nothing after like a total of 2 hours almost?!?!

seriously?  And if that's Daddy orb there he needs to help his boy with potty training!
So I don't think it's really a matter of he doesn't want to do it, as much as he needs to know how it feels to have to pee.  I mean really you go for two years just doing what you do when you gotta do it and then suddenly your Mom wants you to stop?  Come on!  So I guess it will take some time, I'm not at all going to get strick about it, or mean with it.  I mean come on he's two.  There is no reason for that, he's not a robot, he's learning everything is a learning process including this for me to so we will learn together.  Not that I'm not going to continue to take him to the potty and stuff but I'm not going to stress myself out over something so small when it's not necessary at this time.  I wish I could say "It was a amazing day, Noah is fully potty trained wearing underwear, only diapers to bed!" lol but that's not going to be happening any time soon!

Today was a Touch A Truck event held at the Hershey Christian School anyway, and he had so much fun when we took him over to the one across the river I figured what the heck!  This one though you had to pay but not for him.  He loved seeing everything, mascots were there from Texas Roadhouse, which he got a token for a free kids meal and a pair of sunglasses, Metro Bank, Hershey Bear he actually loved waving and high fiving all of them which I didn't think would happen!  He's usually kinda shy!
Noah has a pretty deep voice for a little boy, a lot of people always comment on that, but I wish I could have been video taping when he saw the tractors because I didn't think his voice could go that high! He went running! That was the only time he went running away, thankfully it wasn't too much farther away from where I was and there wasn't a lot of people!  He's obsessed with tractors I'll tell ya!
waiting his turn to drive the fire truck!

There wasn't near as much stuff at this one as there was at the last one we were at. Not that it's a bad thing, I think it's a good thing actually because young kids wouldn't be overwhelmed. He was a bit overwhelmed I think last time, he didn't know what to do first and was impatient and a bit rammy! But this time he was super good, which I am super glad because Mommy was all alone this time!

This was of course his favorite :)
This is a Gator but it's a John Deere so I think he thinks it's a tractor! lol
This bad boy was brand spanking new.....I would hate to see the price tag!

There's my boy in the bus, I don't know why but he loves buses now....

I don't know what this is, some massive thing honestly the bottom of the door was like a inch above my head!

Here they had tractor rides!  A man was riding a tractor pulling a bunch of barrels that were turned into little cars with steering wheels!  It was so cute!  The kids seemed to enjoy it, Noah did! 

2nd trip around he wanted to be in yellow!

                                                         I thought that was really cute!
Since Noah seen the playground, and it just so happens that we sometimes already come here to play, we had to stop and play a little while! Even though Noah did more people watching then actually playing!  Although he did get to see-saw with another little boy, he really enjoyed that!  he likes to see-saw and it's not much fun when Mommy is just pushing the other side up and down!

                       Then he so kindly posed for this picture on the Farmall tractor JUST for his Poppy!

The last thing we seen on the way out was the old state police car!  Noah seen that once before at the AACA museum in Hershey, he really liked it!

When we left there, we ran to Weis to get something to make for supper tonight, then I wanted a Iced Coffee from Dunkin'.  When I got to Dunkin' I parked and looked back and seen this....
Thank God the one in Hershey has a drive thru!  So I backed out and went through there and we headed home!  I guess Touch A Truck wore little man out!  He slept for about a hour in the car, until I was tired of sitting out there then I woke him up and we went in!  We had a pretty awesome afternoon, just hanging out watching Sprout now and then, playing with all of his cars, reading random books.  He loves books!  The we went outside and picked out a nice stone to paint, for Poppy for Father's Day and we got out one of Noah's ceramic airplanes and painted it to take to the cemetery for his Daddy for Father's Day this year.  Last year he just took him two of his little cars with writing on the bottom, but this year he made him a little something to take to sit along sit the frog he took over to keep his Daddy company.

I'm telling you he's the next Picasso! lol

Then this evening after supper we went outside to ride his tractor and bikes!  Trust me there is not a day that goes by unless it's raining that he doesn't ride this dang tractor!

love this one!

trying to blow a dandelion

he wouldn't stand still because he knew I wanted a picture!

He's so good at riding his bike already!  I can't believe it, even the tricycle thing he pedals too fast like his little legs gotta be coming off the pedals!  He does great!  I'm amazed by him, he amazes me everyday really he does.  I love him more than words could ever express that's for sure.

His cool dude Texas Roadhouse Sunglasses! lol
Noah and I had a very good weekend so far!  Grammy and Poppy will be home in the morning but we had a awesome day today!  It's really nice to spend time alone with him.  Some people probably assume that since I live with my parents I have it made, well think again I really don't!  Living here is only because I can't afford to be on my own especially with a child now!  Living here allows me to be able to pay my bills, provide my son with what he needs take care of myself and still be comfortable.  If we were on our own we would be struggling!  It's not easy, that's for sure!  Had I known I was going to have a baby 3 years after I bought a brand new car I wouldn't have done that either because that's holding me back to for about 2 more years!  But it is what it is as they say!

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