Monday, May 28, 2012

I say it's Summer!

I think that Memorial day should mark the start of Summer!  Especially with this weather we have been having!  I had to work on Saturday so we got a late start to our usual first summer holiday weekend at camp!  We left to head up Saturday afternoon, once I got off work.  It was kinda rainy, we hit some rain heading up, then it rained Sunday evening to, but it was ok because we got the day dry!  Noah didn't mind, he loves puddles, not sure but I almost think he would just like if it would rain everyday so that there would be puddles to jump in!  Only bad thing was it stormed, so we had to stay in the camper, but thankfully Aunt Chrissy and Aunt Danielle had some kid movies since this Momma forgot them this time!  So we watched How to train your dragon, and Toy Story 3, which we also watched again this morning!  He really liked that one! 
Poppy brought his tractor up with him so he had lots of fun riding that around, and then Pop told him he could ride it through the puddles so he thought that was the best thing since sliced bread!

Looks like a little old man

First boat ride with Grammy and Poppy!

he took a break for a minute to push the dump truck, till he realized this wasn't as fun as his tractor!
bath time to get my boy clean again!  yuck! 

Noah and Pop, heating up their ice cream....yes HEATING UP THEIR ICE CREAM! LOL

the motorcycle made it to McVeytown with us! 
We had a pretty good first night, we went to Harshbarger's for pizza and wings for supper, then to camp and had all of the above fun!  Then Noah didn't go to sleep until about 10:30pm or maybe a little before and actually slept in Sunday until 8am!  That's a first even for him EVER!  Sunday we ran to Wal-Mart which is a hour or so trek there and back and then got dirty, rode the tractor, took a nap, got up rode the tractor ran around got dirty then watched movies!
My sister and Parker! 

They were decorating cookies!

Making Eclair cake for our picnic

WOW Mommy visiting my Aunties' is so much easier at camp!

having a snack, during How to train your dragon

what's better than a front row seat?!

he's my world

oh no, Pop is trusting him to drive again!

heading home!
Once we got home, everyone except Noah got showers.  He had to wash his tractor so he was going to get dirty and wet again anyway, so I figured I shouldn't bother bathing him until he's done cleaning that up!  Here it is!

all done now taking it for a quick drive up the yard!
We had a really good weekend!  I'm glad we had a chance to go up to camp, although it wasn't the same this time because usually everyone is up there but this time since there was a Wedding, nobody was just us.  It was kinda dull but fun none the less!
I'm off tomorrow to so Noah and I get to spend one more day together, I'm not sure what exactly we are going to do yet.  I have thought about it but I'm just not sure yet!

Happy Memorial Day, I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend!  Thank you to all of the military, and Veterans as well.

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