Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Candylane

Tonight we went to Christmas Candylane!  Noah and I had a absolute blast, as I'm sure everyone else did to!  First we met my sister and Danielle at Subway for dinner then headed over.  We didn't leave till almost 10 pm, then went to get my Aunt and then home.  Noah didn't go back to sleep until 11!  I'm so hoping he sleeps in! 

We got there and first ride was the Carousel! He of course really liked that, but I must say it went kinda fast!  But it was fun! 

Then Noah rode the train, he really liked that!  He rode one like that before at the Middletown Carnival but this one was better!

Then he got to ride some cars!  He likes anything that he can "drive".  My Dad has already made him a motor head!
that's him way over in the red car!
Then he got to ride in a helicopter, or as Noah calls it a "Chopper!"

Then after a few photo ops, he got to ride on the Convoy, he liked that! I think he liked the fact it lit up like a dashboard and made tractor trailer sounds!  It was pretty cool!
We went on the kissing tower, which I thought he'd be afraid of.  But he wasn't!  He stood in front of me at the kiss window holding on to the bar the whole time!  He enjoyed it!  I just think he liked looking over Hershey and seeing all the lights!

Then he drove on the turnpike in a antique car! 

Santa was there of course, so we thought what the heck lets try it here!  Well lets just say it was a meltdown!  We didn't buy a picture but my sister snuck one!
He was all crying and saying Mama Mama, notice Santa holding his arm down!

We headed back out, and then stopped at Chocolate World.  This was the first time we were there that we actually didn't ride the ride!  But we had a small snack and drink and then headed out.  We didn't leave until almost 10!  So that was a long time to be there!

Noah had a blast, and so did I!  He loved every ride he went on especially the car type ones!  I'm so glad that he had a good time!   I'm really thankful that kind parent at the daycare gave us free tickets to go to!  Thank you!

Noah was knocked out in the car, but of course woke up once we got home.  He did go right back to sleep!  He is like over tired now!  Tomorrow Mom and my Aunt are baking cookies, so I really don't know what Noah and I will do yet.  Guess we will either help with baking or go somewhere! 
so sweet :)
This is not from tonight, but it's funny and I had to add it!  Last Friday my Mom had her Christmas party for work and I got her this headband to wear.  Once she was home and I believe it was the next day Noah decided to try it on!
too cute!

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