Sunday, October 16, 2011

Beautiful Fall Sunday!

Today after Noah woke up from his nap, as I said in the previous post we worked on his two letters for the week.  C and D.  It wasn't quite as good as last week with A and B, but it all worked out just the same!
C is for Car

D is for Dinosaur

After the learning part of our Sunday was done, Grammy suggested (prior to Noah waking up) about going to the playground or for a walk.  So Noah ate lunch and then we got all ready and set out on our trek to Hummelstown.  I absolutely love the park by the ball field off Fiddlers Elbow.  So we parked there and went for a nice long walk, came back by the playground and stopped so Noah could get some energy out from being in his stroller.  That was a blast!  There were other kids there and he was such a mocking bird!  So cute!  Then we went on another long walk, then headed home!  We had a blast!  Noah loves going on walks, he's nosey and likes to point out the cars and trucks oh and Jeeps he sees!  I guess his Aunt Danielle got him on that!  Grammy came along with us so Mommy wasn't lonely, and turns out not only did Noah burn energy but Grammy and Mommy got some exercise in to!

Looking at a noisy bird!

he just looks like a man on a mission doesn't he?!

Climbing up by himself!

Hot shot

He decided it wasn't smart to go down this way!

FINALLY going down the tube slide!

No this isn't a invisible boy, but I took his face away. I don't know who he is.  This is one little boy Noah was mocking, in case you couldn't tell!

I had a absolutely awesome day!  I really truly did!  I guess last night having a night out started it all!  I'm never without my son unless I'm working, quite honestly I think only once has my sister taken him overnight that I didn't have to work the weekend!  I love spending time with him, he's simply amazing!  I'm sure any parent can relate!  I just don't need to not have him around!  If I'm not working, and I'm not sick then there is no reason to send him somewhere else!  Yes, don't get me wrong there are times I'd love to send him away like when he's being really bad!  But I don't I just suck it up and deal with it!  Sooner or later there is going to be a moment in there that just melts your heart!  Perfect example, last week.   One night he decided to wake up at 1am and not go back to bed until like 3:30am.  I was angry, although I didn't take it out on him but he just wouldn't sleep!  Finally around 3 I asked him as he was getting off the bed for the 10th time, "Noah what are you doing, it's the middle of the night and we have to get up soon?"  His reply "I donno!"  Mind you he held his arms up palms facing up and scrunched his shoulders up to as if he really did not know!  I seriously had to laugh!  But that right there was reason enough for me to loose sleep!  He's awesome.

The day was awesome, God gave us a great one today!  I love Fall weather and this just took the cake so far!

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