Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Trunk or Treat

Tonight was Trunk or Treat at Geyers Church.  Dry run for trick or treat tomorrow, which might get rained out!  He did pretty good, but he wanted to walk without holding a hand and well that wasn't happening!  I remember that I used to think it was awful when I seen people with their toddlers on "leashes" as I like to call them.  Of course that was BEFORE I became a Mother!  Now I'm like wow sign me up for one of those!  He's getting to heavy to carry around and too big to always be sitting in a stroller.  So I am seriously thinking about  investing in one!  Not for everyday use, but when you go to busy places like that where they would be ok to walk but it would be so easy to get lost that the thought makes me panic.  I really think he would kinda like it to!  I mean he'd probably think it was fun.  I don't know.  He did good, came home hot sweaty tired and with a 1/2 bucket of candy that I wouldn't dare let him eat some of that we gave it to my sisters nieces bucket!  There is always a older kid to eat all the really bad stuff, like the pixie sticks!  Seriously?  Isn't that a parents worst enemy?  My son has more energy then he knows what to do with, I don't think he needs more sugar!
But it was a very nice time!  They had dinner, games for kids and everyone won a prize.  Then Trunk or Treat!  It really was very nice of them to hold something like that that's open to everyone not just their parishioners.  We had fun!

Noah's failed attempt to each a chip with cheese!

playing games!

he ran up and hugged this cat first!  then gently placed the rings over it!

my handsome 1/2 dressed lion :)

Notice there are no pictures of the actual Trunk or Treating??  Cause my batteries died right at that time!  Imagine that, I thought I didn't need to bring more because I just put those ones in....boy was I wrong!  Won't make that mistake tomorrow! 

We left there and took Kailyn and Nathan their bucket of Halloween goodies then came home and I started baking! I have to make cookies for Noah to take in to daycare Friday so since tomorrow is about shot in the butt I had to start tonight.  I got this colored cookie dough from a lady at work.  Her daughter was selling it for a fundraising trip for her dance class.  So I thought that would be cute, Noah and I can bake!  So I decided that I would just make that for daycare, they are cute!  It's just sugar cookies so it's nothing flavored.  It turned out not to be so bad, I thought I'd be baking forever but got done around 8:15.

Anyway I think we had a really good night!  I can't wait until tomorrow!  I hope it doesn't rain or at least that it just sprinkles a little.  Who knows.  It will be so much fun I think!  Noah is having a very busy week so far! 

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